The HaLo Project with Rudy Tinoco, Volume 2


The HaLo Project is a series of videos devoted to the magic of Harry Lorayne. Harry was known as one of the top showmen of his time, and is highly regarded for his skill in teaching magic. He's also the author of several classic works on card magic. Created with Harry's kind permission, Rudy Tinoco will teach you many of the hidden gems that can be found within the pages of Harry Lorayne's books, many of which have never been taught on video before.

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Here are the contents for The HaLo Project – Volume 2

Magical Flight – A freely selected card disappears from one packed and makes a magical flight between two jokers in another packet.


That’s the Truth, Plus – A clever little lie detector test utilizing Jack McMillen's "Plunger Principle."


A Much Better Chance – A ten card poker deal where your spectator will choose cards at random and give themselves a full house. You end up with a royal flush!


The Equalizer – A version of Simon Aronson's Shuffle-Bored where you're able to demonstrate that you're able to not only track cards, but also memorize them.


Billustrious – You give your spectator the opportunity to win some money. They deal down cards and stop whenever they want and place a bill down to mark the spot. They do this three times. If they're able to deal down to the four aces, they win the money. In the end, you reveal that they found three out of four aces! So close! Not all is lost as you reveal that they dealt down a royal flush.


That’s Impossible – You and your spectator randomly mix cards face up and face down and reveal that the only face up cards are a royal flush in spades.